


Born 1971 in Lund, Sweden
2004-2018 lived and worked in Berlin
2018- 2021 lived and worked in the countryside of Vallda in Sweden
2022 – live and work in Lund, Sweden



1999-2004  MA Fine Arts, Umeå  Academy of Art, Sweden
1998-99  Örebro School of Art
1995-96  Art History, Stockholm University
1991-95  BA in Political Science, Economics and Philosophy, Lund University, Sweden


Solo Exhibitions

2024 ”Förbindelser”, Tulipán köz Projekt, Sopron, Ungern. Residence and exhibition (w. Daniel Segerberg)
2024 ”Hamnskiftare”, Galleri Cozmo, Lund, Sweden (w. Daniel Segerberg)
2022 Galleri Sigma, Växjö; Sweden (w. Daniel Segerberg)
2018 Arnstedt Galleri, Östra Karup, Sweden
2017 ”Light Scenes”, (with Salah Saouli), cureted by Charlotte Bank, Art Lab Berlin
2014 ”Urban Scene”, AC Institute, New York, USA
2014 ”Video Dialog” (with Ammar Al-Beik), curated by Charlotte Bank, Art Lab, Berlin
2013 ”On the site found, for the moment given”, (collaboration w. Daniel Segerberg and  students from Hedeskolan), Kungsbacka Konsthall, Sweden
2012 ”Ouroboros” (collaboration w. Daniel Segerberg), Aura, Krognoshuset, Lund, Sweden
2011 ”Urban Scenes”, Galleri Arnstedt, Ö.Karup, Sweden
2011 ”Mastermind”, collaboration with Daniel Segerberg, Infernoesque, Berlin
2011 ”Urban Scene XII: petrol station”, Kalmar Konstmuseum, Sweden
2010 ”Urban Rorschach”, Galleri Arnstedt, Ö.Karup, Sweden
2009 Botnik Studio, Bovalldstrand, Sweden
2008 “Vision Drive”, Swedish Residence, Berlin
2007 Galleri54, Göteborg, Sweden
2007 ”Urban Scene VII: hall porter”, Galleri Pictura, Lund, Sweden
2005 ”Urban Scene V: park”, Växjö Konsthall/bibliotek, Växjö, Sweden
2004 “InBetween” , Galleri60, Umeå, Sweden


Group Exhibitions and Projects

2023 ”Floating Stone”, i trädgården hos galleri Arnstedt, Östra Karup, Sweden
2023 ”Grannens avlagda byxor blir min nya blus”, utställningen ”Hos oss”, Årstads Mycket tillfälliga Konsthall, Sweden
2021 Participation in ”Mixed Minds”, Region Halland and Region Västergötland
2021 ”Konst på andra(s) ställen”, Årstads Mycket tillfälliga Konsthall”; Sweden
2020 ”Mäktiga Maskan”, Viserum Konsthall, Sweden
2019 ”Ljusstake-Renare hav”, workshop with Back in Position at Ronneby Art Center in the exhibition ”Leviatha” by Daniel Segerberg
2019 ”Gör din egna syrade pumpa” (DIY Fermented Pumpkin) with Back in Position, Höstfest i Kungsbacka, Sweden
2019 Groupexebition, Arnstedt ÖstraKarup, Sweden
2018 ”1000 Laternen für unsere Umwelt”, with Back in Position at Markthalle neun, Berlin
2018 ”Pflanzzeit”, with Back in Position at MArkthalle neun, Berlin
2017 ”Birdnest”, (X)Sites Kattegatleden, with Daniel Segerberg, outdoor in Särö, Sweden
2017 ”Pole Position”, Die Wiesenburg Kulturstelle, Berlin
2016 Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation 30 years. Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden
2016 EVENT at Hamar Katedralskole, Hamar, Norway (with the students at the school)
2015 ”Let´s come together” (curated by Martin Schibli), Moscow Biennial 2015, at GROUND Moscow, Russia
2015 Berliner Liste 2015 fair for contemporaty art, Mediawekstatt, Berlin
2015 ”Imago Mundi”, Venice, Italy
2015 “Wiederaufbau”, workshop and exhibition on the World Refugee Day in the frame of Displaced, SCHLACHTEN Contemporary Art Festival in Luckenwalde, with Daniel Segerberg and Verena Resch. Luckenwalde, Germany
2013 ”BANDPROBE 21” (collaboration w. Antonia Nordmann, Katja Podur, Xinglang Guo and Daniel Segerberg), Delikatessenhaus, Leipzig, Germany
2013 Workshop and exhibition at New Zero Art Space, Yangon, Burma/Myanmar
2013 ”Falling from Grace”, Kulturpolis, Kleipeda, Lithuania (curated by Martin Schibli)
2012 VAFA 2012, Video Art For All, International Video Art Festival at Casa Garden – Fundação Oriente and Sky21, Macau, China, (Urban Scene XII: petrol station)
2012 ”Intercept 3:7”, Multiplexer in Emergency Art Building, Las Vegas, USA (Urban Scene XIII: entrance)
2012 Travers Video Festival, Goethe Institute, Toulouse, France (Urban Scene XII: petrol station and Urban scene XIII: entrance)
2012 ”Falling from Grace”. Junge Schwedishe Kunst, Kunsthalle Rostock, Germany (Urban Scene XIV:corner store)
2011 Cologne OFF VII;  Shams- The Sunflower, Beirut, Lebanon (
2010 ”Alternative Economy”, CAC Conceptual Art Center Bukovje, Slovenia
2010 ”Jubilee exhibition”, Örebro Länsmuseum, Örebro, Sweden
2010 ” Endless Boogie”, Galerie im Regierungsviertel, Berlin
2010 ”Concert”, Galerie Stedefreund, Berlin
2010 ”Collage Accident”, Galerie im Regierungsviertel , Berlin
2009 “Schwedische Transformation”, Swedish Consulate, Berlin
2009 “Made in berlin”, Örebro Konsthall, Sweden
2009 “Schwedische Transformation”, Swedish Consulate, Leipzig
2008 “Anonyme Zeichner No9, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin
2008 “10 Years Jubeleum”, Arnstedt & Kullgren Gallery, Ö Karup, Sweden
2008 “Written in Stars”, Växjö Konsthall, Sweden
2007 “A week in the Sun”, Botnik Studios, Gerlesborg, Sweden
2007 “Exil/Berlin”, Arnstedt & Kullgren, Östra Karup, Sweden
2007 “Bra Konst”, Vikingsberg Konsthall, Helsingborg, Sweden
2007 Absolut Swedish Festival Dublin, Irland
2006 ”20 Years! Grant Recipients Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation, Bonnierskonsthall, Stockholm
2006 ”The Fourdimensional Timespace Experience in Tokyo, text, Ersta Konsthall, Stockholm
2006 ”Anhalt Berlin”, Arnstedt &Kullgren, Östra Karup, Sweden
2005 ”MA in Tokyo”; a month project in Tokyo
2005 ”Fair Play”, Play Gallery, Berlin
2005 “What ever happened to Social Democracy? Group project, Rooseum, Malmö, Sweden
2004 “Retailiator”  Elin Wikström project, Showroom, London
2004 “Urban Scene” Group show, Peter Bergman ALP Gallery Stockholm
2004  “Passage; AirPort” , Group show, Bildmuséet, Umeå, Sweden
2004 Video group show, Art Moscow 2004, Moscow
2003 ”Existence and Engagement”, Moment, Gubbängen, Stockholm
2002 ”The Making of an Island on the Mur River, Graz, Austria”, Co-operation with Acconci Studio, Austrian Culture House, New York
2002 “The impact of my voice in cm, decibel and gram”, Group exhibition, Chamber music Festival Norrlandsoperan, Umeå, Sweden



2018 ”Who Counts the Steps of the Sun”, screening and talk at Färjås Yogaretreats, Sweden
2017 ”Who Counts the Steps of the Sun”, screening and talk at Arnstedt, Östra Karup, Sweden
2014 Miden Videofestival ArtWall, Athens, Greece (Urban Scene XIII:entrance)
2013 Espace [im] Média 4th edition 2013, Optische- Berlin Video Art, Sherbrooke, Canada
2013 IVAHM – Art House Madrid, Spain, ”What would Bergman think?”, (Urban Scene XII: petrol station)
2013 Festival Miden, Historical center of Kalamata, Greece (Urban Scene XIII: entrance)
2012 at Kino Central, by Medienwerkstatt, Bethannien, Berlin (Urban Scene XIII: entrance)
2012 at 5th biennial (Niemandsland), Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzgovina
2012 ”Nothing-Film”, Center for Quantum Technologies, Nat.Univ of Singapore (Urban Scene XI:last station)
2012 ”INSIDE OUT”, Kunsthaus Dresden, Germany (Urban Scene VIII: the wheel and XI: last station)
2012 ”Niemandsland”, Kunstraum geh8, Dresden, Germany (Urban Scene VIII: the wheel and XI: last station)
2012 ”Filmnacht des Nichts”, Kunstraum geh8, Dresden; Germany (Urban Scene VIII: the wheel and XI: last station)
2012 AIVA Ängelholm International Video Art Festival, Sweden (Urban Scene XII:petrol station)
2012 CEC 2012, The 7th annual Carneval of E-Cereativity, Sattal Estate, Uttarakhand, India
(Urban Scene XII: petrol station; in program of CologneOFF)
2011  VIDEOHOLICA International Art Festival 2011, Varna, Bulgaria (Urban Scene XIII: Entrance; screening)
2010 ”Videorats”, video festival in Celje, Slovenia (Urban Scene: VII:hall porter)
2007 KonstBio, Biografen Sture, Stockholm (Urban Scene VII:hall porter)


Workshops and Guest Teaching

Undervisning och workshop om hållbart mode, Borås textilhögskola, Borås dec 2024
Overshootfestivalen, Workshop ”Hur mår modet?”, Folketspark, Malmö 2023
Workshop ”Hur mår modet?” under Ekodagen på Stadsbiblioteket, Halmstad 2022
Workshop ”Hur mår modet?”, Teckningsmuseet i Laholm, 2022
Bästa Biennalen, Workshop ”Modedesigner: gammalt blir nytt”, Tjolöholm Slott, inom projektet ”Hur mår modet?”, i regi av Region Halland, 2021
Workshop ”Sonne, WInd, Wasser und Erde: Ein Recycling-Workshop!”, Regenbogenschule (11-13 years old), Berlin, 2018
Workshop ”Garderobe für alle”, at Heinrich-Zille Grundschule (7-9 years old), Berlin, with Daniel Segerberg, 2018
Workshop ”Nistkastenhotel” (Birdnest-hotel) at Heinrich-Zille Grundschule (10-12 years old), Berlin, with Daniel Segerberg, 2017
Workshop ”Blickwechsel” at Sophie Brahe Schule (10-13 years old), Berlin, together with Verena Resch (artist) and Claudia Lehmann (dancer), Sep 2016
Workshop ”Blickwechsel” at Lauterbachschule (8 years old), Berlin, together with Verena Resch (artist) and Claudia Lehmann (dancer), April 2016
Workshop ”Blickwechsel” at Lenau-Grundschule (10 years old), Berlin, together with Verena Resch (artist) and Claudia Lehmann (dancer), Oct 2015
Workshop for “WIllkommen Klasse 1 and 2″ at Grundschule am Buschgraben, Berlin, together with Verena Resch (artist) and Claudia Lehmann (dancer), June 2015
Workshop ”30 Sekunden…” at Friedrichhagener Grundschule (10 years old) in Berlin, together with Verena Resch (artist) and Claudia Lehmann (dancer), Oct 2014
Workshop with Hedeskolan (15 years old students) in Kungsbacka, together with Daniel Segerberg, in connection to the exhibition at the Art Museum, Sep 2013
Workshop with artists connected to New Zero Art Space, Yangon, Burma/Myanmar, Feb 2013
Guest teaching Örebro Konstskola (Art School), Jan 2012
Guest teaching Ölands Folkhögskola (Art School), Feb 2011


Grants and Awards

2014 IASPIS International Cultural Exchange Grant
2006 Maria Bonnier Dahlins Minnesfond, Sweden
2003 Helge Ax.son Johnssons resestipendium, Sweden
2002 J C Kempes Minnes Stipendiefond, Sweden


Assistant work

Elin Wikström, London 2004 and Umeå, Sweden 2003
Vito Acconci Studio New York, Apprenticeship Sep-Dec 2002
Annika Larsson, New York 2002



Imago Mundi, Bennetton Collection
Kungsbacka kommun
Region Skåne
Växjö kommun
Maria Bonnier Dahlins Stiftelse